Community Group Case Study

This MINTDRIVER VR community class started off in a Church, moving to rooms at an educational facility a year later.


The program uses 10 #Meta Quest headsets and has a capacity to teach 40 learners during weekday evenings.


You can use MINTDRIVER VR to learn all about driving, practice and prepare for practical driving tests anywhere indoor – library, school and community spaces.


Special thanks to Harald Leeuwenburgh and his team of instructors from A1 Driving for their continued support with practical driving sessions when required.


Teach your communities the thinking about safe driving anywhere.


MINTDRIVER VR Community Group Case Study – Group and individual observations.


Conducted over two years with drivers of all ages and licence stages.


All licence stages – MINTDRIVER enables learner drivers of all ages, cultural and linguistic backgrounds to prepare for, and pass restricted, full and overseas license conversion tests.


Up-skill & Reset -Many of these drivers have been on their learners’ licenses for several years. They had previously attempted and failed practical driving tests and had developed incorrect driving habits which MINTDRIVER was able to rectify.


Notable Success – MINTDRIVER has been particularly successful in preparing restricted licence holders for their full licence practical tests.


Perseverance Pays – B came to the community VR driving program as she had been driving on her learner licence for several years. She wanted to do the right thing and be an example to her children by passing her practical driving test. The road to success was not easy for Learner B, who took several weeks to learn how to use the VR hardware. In addition to practicing with MINTDRIVER, B took a few of driving lessons with an instructor. After 22 months of driving with MINTDRIVER’s support B passed her practical driving test. B is very proud that she is the first in her family to achieve this. B is now encouraging her children to prepare for and obtain their driving licences too.


Accelerated Learning – M had been driving on an intermediate/restricted licence for several years. M was unsure of her driving skill level and lacked confidence to attempt her final driving test. Using MINTDRIVER for a few sessions, M was able to very quickly sharpen her driving skills. Within a few weeks of starting the VR program scenarios and practicing with MINTDRIVER she gained confidence to attempt and successfully pass her final driving test. Using MINTDRIVER enabled M to reflect on and refine her driving, providing a sure and effective path to success.

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The thinking about safe driving.


MINTEDVR has found a way to VIR-TUALLY solve the ‘learning to drive’ puzzle through MINTDRIVER.

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