MINTEDVR Analytics Dashboard
The MINTEDVR Analytics Dashboard has proved to be an invaluable time saver to our school and community groups. Facilitators can easily monitor progress, pick out patterns of errors and have clear indications of when a learner is ready for practical testing.
Most learner drivers take 6-8 months of driving with MINTDRIVER support to be ready for practical testing.
We have seen restricted drivers take a few hours of MINTDRIVER practice to prepare for and pass the full licence test.
What issues does your community face on their driver licence journeys? Let us know, MINTDRIVER continues to amaze with the software’s ability to enable drivers at all levels.
Let MINTDRIVER delight your community too.
MINTEDVR Analytics Dashboard:-
While VR technology enables many users to learn at the same time it is impossible for a facilitator to watch multiple VR feeds and track individual progress accurately.
This feedback received during testing with our school and community groups led to the creation of the MINTEDVR Analytics Dashboard.
Data transferred from the VR headset to the MINTEDVR Analytics Dashboard enables you to track the following group and individual metrics: –
– Logged hours of driving practice.
– Pass rates for each driving task.
– Key driving errors made during a learner’s last session.
The dashboard also allows you to add/delete users and export performance information for your record.